If you could meet any player from the past, who'd it be?

They say “don’t meet your heroes.” But if you had the opportunity to – who would you like to have a conversation with? A lesson with? Who do you think would be really cool (or perhaps a jerk?) Use this as a chance to fantasize!
8 replies
Miles Davis! And I'd ask him how he pursued his own style!
I also play the french horn, and it'd be cool to meet Dennis Brain who only had a short flash of a horn career. And ask him what's his secret?
Without doubt I would like to meet Arban, and ask him about the best way to play his method. And also, of course, talk about who is students were and what the scene was like back then.
tough one....maybe Louis? Or Clifford....
Clark Terry, for embouchure and overall technic and Freddie Hubbard for his soulful ballads and rhythmic uptempo solos.
What are some of Freddie's soulful ballads you love the most? I want to make a playlist of them.
I would like to meet Philip Smith. It's the sound I've pursued for a long time in my musical career. apart from being my idol