Group 2

Please read the assignments below before watching!


Join Ethan Chilton, lead at tonebase trumpet, for a two-week intensive class designed to give you structured guidance on producing a better sound. Whatever your preferred style to play, creating a balance between air and vibration can help us discover a more resonant and flowing sound!

What to Expect:

  • 🔗 Guided Exercises: Each of the 4 lessons provides a simple, concrete exercise that builds on the previous one, from long tones and pitch bends to a simple flow etude. Learn by example as Ethan demonstrates and discusses the principles that make it work.
  • 🎶 Expert Guidance: Led by Ethan Chilton, professional LA-based trumpeter who built the tonebase trumpet library, these sessions offer a unique insight into the tools and concepts that working trumpeters rely on every single day to have the most beautiful sound possible.
  • 🤝 Community Interaction: Share your experiences, receive feedback from peers and your instructor, and engage in a supportive community of fellow music enthusiasts and aspiring producers.

Who Should Attend:

This course is tailored for a trumpeter at any level looking for some structure toward their pursuit of improving or refining their sound. No pre-requisite knowledge is required, though basic proficiency with the trumpet is highly recommended.

What is Covered:

Participants will explore how our concept of sound impacts the result, how “poo” attacks can help us balance air with vibration, what the role of the tongue is in producing an efficient sound, and how we can build flow (connection from note to note)!

No special equipment is needed to get started; just bring your enthusiasm, a working trumpet, and whatever recording tools you have—your journey to a beautiful sound begins here!


  • Sign-Up : April 25th - April 28th
  • Course Period: April 29th - May 10th
  • Optional check-In via Zoom: May 6th
  • Delivery of Final Feedback: May 10th


Week 1:

Monday 4/29: Lesson 1: Introduction and Sound Concept

Link to PDF Workbook

- Assignment: Identify 3-5 adjectives that describe the sound that YOU want for yourself. Avoid the words “bright” and “dark.” You can optionally provide the names of 3-5 players whose sounds you’d like to assimilate in some way in the way that you play. These will provide references for you as you continue in this course!


Wednesday 5/1: Lesson 2: Air and Vibration

Link to PDF Workbook

- Assignment: Practice the long tone and bend sequence every day for the rest of this two-week intensive (and optionally, beyond!) Optionally, post a video of yourself playing the sequence, and Ethan will personally respond to every post!


Friday 5/3: Lesson 3: Engaging the Tongue / James Stamp

Link to PDF Workbook

- Assignment: In addition to your long tone and bend sequences, practice Stamp No. 3 every day (the score is provided at the bottom of the workbook), thinking about tongue engagement and maintaining flow. Post a video of yourself playing the sequence in a few keys, and Ethan will personally respond to every post! Ask any questions that you might have in the forum below, so others can learn with you.


Week 2:

Monday 5/6: Zoom Check-In with Ethan (Optional) 


Join here from 11:00 - 11:30 AM PST

Or, if you can't make this time, ask me a question and I'll send you a response!


Wednesday 5/8: Lesson 4: Concone Lyrical Etude

Link to PDF Workbook

- Assignment: To bring it all together, submit a video recording of yourself playing Concone Lyrical Etude No. 1 (the score is provided at the bottom of the PDF Workbook). Focus on tone, flow, sound concept, and engaging the tongue. Additionally, write a short paragraph with your video about what was easy, what was challenging, and what you’d like to improve about your performance.


Friday 5/10: Final day for video submissions / last day of feedback


How to submit your assignments:

Write your assignments in a comment on this forum post (not as YouTube comment).  

For submitting videos, we recommend filming videos from a smartphone and then uploading them to YouTube from your desktop computer. Set the Visibility to Unlisted (not Private). Then copy and paste the video link into your comment! Please let me know if you have any issues or questions and we will try to assist ASAP. 


Best of luck to everyone, and happy practicing! 🎺

30 replies

    • Shawn
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view



    When I was playing I thought I had a broader range of dynamics, I don't know if I was imagining it or it doesn't come through in the recording and it existed.  Not happy with some of the attacks, there was one that was pretty accented not on purpose.  I think the tone was good but it sounded a little flat at times. 

      • Shawn
      • 7 mths ago
      • Reported - view


    • Music tutor, composer and songwriter
    • edng
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Is it too late to send this for Week 3 & 4? Sorry I got sick with the cold (blame my housemate for it)!

    Week 3:

    I do have couple of questions & I'm sorry I missed the Zoom as I'm in Australia timezone.

    1) Tension - I feel tension in my throat & also tend to press hard on mouthpiece, so what can help? So far, the use of different syllables & tongue positions have helped me for sure.

    2) Do higher notes necessarily mean higher pressure? If yes, then is it a matter of letting my chops build the strength to sustain the pressure for higher notes? If no, then what should I do? I been doing long notes as warmup.

    Thank you!

      • Trumpet Lead
      • Ethan
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Hey Ed, please forgive me for getting to this so late! The notification completely slipped past me. Thank you so much for still sending it in. 


      1) It's unavoidable that there will be SOME force on the face when playing trumpet. The stronger the muscles around our embouchure are, the more we can resist that tension and push BACK against the mouthpiece. (The lips themselves are not tense – just the muscles surrounding the lips. Watch Charlie's course on How to Form an Embouchure for a super in-depth discussion of this). Just like with any muscles in the body, we build strength very gradually, and we try to avoid practicing when fatigued. A consistent daily routine with plenty of rest & gradually challenging yourself is a surefire way to improve! 


      2) Playing high notes has very little to do with mouthpiece pressure on the face. (I'd check out Charlie's Embouchure course, as well as Ryan Darke's courses for more insight into this. Ben Gunnarson also just released a Fundamentals course that would be great for you.) Do NOT squeeze the horn into your face to play high - that's a surefire way to damage yourself beyond repair. As hinted at above, the muscles around the lips act as "anchors" to hold the lips in place and allow them to withstand the force coming from the instrument. The lips themselves are quite relaxed, since they need to be able to vibrate. 


      All in all, I would focus your mental energy on adequate AIR, and only think about the chops if there's a problem. (Working on tongue position is also a fabulous tool) 


      Hope this was helpful! 

      • Trumpet Lead
      • Ethan
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Another related buzzword is "corner strength". Try some simple Bai Lin lip slurs and focus on engaging the corners of the embouchure - this can be quite the workout but it can help build strength. Although embouchure strength as a skill is frankly quite overrated... it's much more important to focus on a beautiful singing sound and let the muscles of the face adapt naturally to greater playing volumes over time. 

      • Music tutor, composer and songwriter
      • edng
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you! I think I'm on the right track!

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