SIGN-UP: Two-Week Schlossberg Challenge
Description We all seek a rounder tone, greater flexibility, and better endurance. No resource is more valuable for this than Max Schlossberg’s “Daily Drills and Technical Studies.…
SIGN-UP: Build Your Finger Dexterity in 2 Weeks
Description Let’s dig into finger dexterity! Using Herbert Clarke and going well beyond, tonebase trumpet lead Ethan Chilton explores how to build control and speed with our fingers.…
SIGN-UP: Developing a Lip Trill: The Ultimate Guide
Description In this Three-Week Intensive, tonebase trumpet lead Ethan Chilton provides the ultimate blueprint to playing a lip trill. Building up from the foundational movements required of the…
What are the Two Week Intensives?
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you sat down and concentrated on one specific aspect of your playing? Dedicated two weeks to one thing? Improving your sound quality,…
SIGN-UP: Refine Your Articulation in 3 Weeks with Chris Gekker
Description Join Chris Gekker, virtuoso soloist and professor of trumpet at the University of Maryland School of Music, for a three-week intensive class designed to improve your articulation.…
SIGN-UP: Guided Improvisation Intensive with tonebase trumpet lead Ethan Chilton
Description Learn how to start visualizing harmony and free yourself up for greater melodic expression over chord changes. This two-week intensive looks at two simple standards,…
SIGN-UP: Making a Beautiful Sound with tonebase trumpet lead Ethan Chilton
Description: Join Ethan Chilton, lead at tonebase trumpet, for a two-week intensive class designed to give you structured guidance on producing a better sound.…