What are your essential trumpet mutes?
Whether you’re a jazz player or first-chair in a symphony, mutes are essential. What is your go-to mute collection – the brands and models you take with you for every gig? Got a favorite harmon, cup, straight, plunger, or solo tone? Tell us the names and perhaps show us some pictures – and maybe we’ll all learn a thing or two!
6 replies
Yamaha brass silent mute for my early morning practice. It,S the reason I still have my family.🙂
I heard lots of good reviews for Soulo mutes. And I like the sound and practicality. I like their wah-wah way better than the standard aluminium Harmon that I tried. I've got both "all aluminium" and "coper base" versions. They do play and sound slightly different, not sure which one I prefer, both are great.
I will most likely get their bucket mute (the black one in the image at the top of the thread) and a straight fibre.
The HB cup mute in the picture, I preferred the tone out of the few I tried in a shop. It's not adjustable, but you wouldn't want to adjust it anyway, it already sounds good imho.